Delve deeper at a subject event.

If you want to know more about a particular course or subject, our online and on-campus subject events are a great opportunity to speak to lecturers and learn more about studying at Wrexham.

Are you a student or a school? Make sure to check out our Discovery Days to discover more at Wrexham University by gaining some hands-on experience of what it’s like to be a university student.

What's on

Multiple dates

Is a sport degree for you

The 'Is a sport degree for you' experience is a unique opportunity for students considering studying one of our sports degree programmes.

It offers a comprehensive insight into our courses, facilities, and the potential career paths they can lead to. 

Our sports programmes include: 

  • FdSc Coaching: Sport and Fitness 
  • BSc (Hons) Applied Sport and Exercise Sciences
  • BSc (Hons) Football Coaching and the Performance Specialist 
  • BSc (Hons) Coaching: Sport and Fitness (Top-up)

This session includes:

  • An introductory talk - where our programmes will be explained in further detail, with insights into the modules studied, equipment used, locations used and the free-of-charge bonus qualifications.
  • A tour of campus—Individuals will tour the Plas Coch campus to explore the student union space, library, lecture theatres, and our brand new Biomechanic Lab. 
  • A tour of Colliers Park – Individuals on the football degree will also tour the FAW development centre at Colliers Park to see the facilities and teaching spaces.
  • A Q&A - where individuals will have the opportunity to ask any questions about the programme, staff, or facilities
    Come and join like-minded people who wish to pursue a career in Sport.

Event dates:

Tuesday February 4th - 3-4pm
Tuesday March 11th - 3-4pm

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Wednesday, June 11, 09:30-12:00

Wellbeing, Leadership and Public Health: Postgraduate Learning Opportunities

Have you been thinking about further learning to advance your leadership or professional practice? Are you interested in our Leadership for Wellbeing or Public Health, Mental Health and Wellbeing postgraduate courses? Would you like to know more about these courses and what it’s like to study at postgraduate level?

Why not come along to this relaxed and informal workshop that will explore these questions and much more. The workshop will be delivered by the Course Leader, and there will be an opportunity to ask questions and chat informally with others interested in these subject areas.

Event date: Wednesday, June 11, 09:30-12:00, B14, Wrexham Campus

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Health & Wellbeing students sit on opposite sides of a desk and discuss their work