Our Civic Mission
Our civic mission has people and place at its heart.
What is our civic mission?
We're working with partners and communities to make a positive difference for the public good across North Wales - learning and leading together for positive whole system change.
We are passionate and committed to working with partners and communities in new ways- understanding the key challenges and co-creating our approach across North Wales.
Our new civic mission has people and place at its heart. Together in conversation with leaders, we have identified that the root cause of many of our region’s challenges and priorities for action relate to social inequality. This is what we want to address.
We want to help end social inequality across North Wales by 2030.
Our aim as a University is to be useful and to innovate, co-create, test and deliver new approaches, enabling collective action in three priority areas:
The challenges we are all faced with are constantly changing. Our civic mission is not static and our conversations will continue to shape our approach and projects. As a University we want to be a positive force for change.
To find our more please see our Civic mission framework and 2025 Movement annual report.
Our Civic Mission Partnership Strategy
This strategy sets out in detail our approach and projects that we will develop and deliver alongside our partners. Our civic mission work is funded by the Higher Education Funding Council Wales (HEFCW).
Civic Mission: Research that Transforms
At Wrexham University, we have an ambitious research strategy in which we aim to undertake research that transforms. To support our civic mission partnership, we want to develop applied research and knowledge using critical inquiry, applied research and impact evaluation to co-create a research framework that supports our collective mission.
The delivery of the civic mission in partnership provides us with an exciting opportunity to undertake research that transforms, connecting our academic teams to our partners working together on policy-relevant and applied research projects, placing students in real-life situations, helping to inform teaching, and supporting our academic teams to engage in active research linked to the civic mission.
To find out more about our civic mission please contact:
Nina Ruddle, Head of Public Policy Engagement
nina.ruddle@glyndwr.ac.uk / 07809 538927