Undergraduate Funding
You may be eligible for funding support to help you pay your tuition fees and living costs.
Loans and Grants
Students From Wales applying via - STUDENT FINANCE WALES
All Welsh students studying at Wrexham University will be eligible for a maximum of £12,150 (£10,315 if living at home) in funding support which will be provided through a mixture of grants and loans. Every eligible student will be able to claim a minimum grant of £1,000 from the government. Find out more here.
Students from Northern Ireland
Students from the States of Jersey
Students from the States of Guernsey
Partial Loan Cancellation for Welsh Students
Since 2010/2011, Welsh students who had received a maintenance loan from Student Finance Wales (SFW) and were a full-time student could have up to £1,500 cancelled from their loan balance by the Welsh Government.
Students who received a loan for living costs from SFW qualify for the £1,500 cancellation once they make their first repayment. The reduction will be applied to the balance of their student loan by the Students Loan Company when they start repaying.
To be eligible, you have to be:
- A Welsh domiciled student.
- Need to have taken a maintenance loan in either 2010/11 or after from Student Finance Wales.
- You may not be eligible if you have failed to keep up with repayments or breached the repayment agreement.
Students will not get the maximum cancellation if they pay before they have received their full entitlement of maintenance loan i.e. if they are assessed for £1,500 maintenance loans or have received 2 payments totalling £1000. However if they make a repayment before the 3rd payment, they will only have a cancellation of £1,000.
Full information on this can be found on the Student Finance Wales website.
Students with Dependants
Depending on personal circumstances, students with dependents may be eligible for the following support grants:
Adult Dependants’ Grant
Students from Northern Ireland
Parents’ Learning Allowance
Students from Northern Ireland
Childcare Grant
Students from Northern Ireland
Support grants for students from Scotland are different, please see here for information.
Advice Tailored to You
Our friendly and supportive Student Funding and Money Advice team has years of experience in understanding student concerns and is up-to-date with all of the latest information. The team can tell you about possible funding for full or part-time study and also offer financial health checks to make sure you are receiving everything that you are entitled to during your studies.
The team also offers budgeting advice to students; from money-saving tips to one-to-one budgeting meetings, our advisers are here to help. All enquiries through the service are treated as strictly confidential so contact 01978 293295 or funding@glyndwr.ac.uk today.
Welsh Language Standards Compliance Statement
All documentation relating to the application for a grant, bursaries or financial assistance to individual applicants (students or individual members of academic staff), is published in Welsh and English. Applications can be submitted in Welsh and are treated no less favourably than applications submitted in English. If it is necessary to interview individual applicants for grants or financial assistance, interviews are held in Welsh for applicants who applied in Welsh, using simultaneous interpretation if required. If an application for a grant or financial assistance is submitted in Welsh, we inform the applicant of the outcome of our decision in Welsh. When making a decision in relation to the award of a grant or financial assistance we consider the effects such an award or assistance would have on the opportunities for the applicants and others to use the Welsh language and ensure that our decision would neither reduce opportunities for persons to use the language nor cause adverse effects.