The Psychology and Counselling team at Wrexham University has expertise in several eclectic areas reflecting our degrees accredited by the British Psychological Society. Using quantitative and qualitative methods, there are projects in cognitive psychology and language, health psychology, the psychology of religion, digital literacy, and education.

The team are currently developing an app for healthcare purposes, working with primary school children to uncover their attitudes towards digital media, and exploring young people’s opinions on human rights. The department is eager to welcome new PhD students and has a wealth of facilities to enable ground-breaking research, such as a psychometric lab, flight simulator, high-tech sports performance lab, experimental cubicles, and simulation lab.

Meet the Team

“Mandy Robbins is a Chartered Psychologist and a member of the American Psychological Association. Her research is focused on personality and individual differences in relationship to religious belief, practice, and wellbeing. She is on the editorial board of British Journal for Religious Education, Associate Editor for the Journal of Empirical Theology and co-editor of the Brill series Studies in Theology and Religion. She has co-authored five books and over 200 chapters and articles.”

Prof. Mandy Robbins Professor in Psychology

“Shubha has extensive experience in the psychological health sector in Wales, with research interests including biological, social, and health psychology. Shubha has also recently worked on an education project exploring the perceptions of primary school children and teachers on using reading to dogs for motivating reading behaviour.”

Dr Shubha Sreenivas Senior Lecturer in Psychology

“Gwennan is a Lecturer in Cognitive Psychology and a member of the British Psychological Association. She has contributed to The Cognitive Psychology Bulletin, presented work at the British Psychological Society Cognitive Section conferences, and has experience of peer review for the Youth Voice Journal. She is also actively engaged in the research concordat working group at WGU. Her research specialism is primarily focused on individual differences within Cognition and experimental psychology.”

Dr Gwennan Barton Lecturer in Cognitive Psychology

“Megan is a qualified person-centred counsellor with the National Counselling Society (NCS) and member of the BPS. She has a particular interest around working with trauma and how the environment affects mood. ”

Megan Brooman Lecturer in Counselling Psychology

“Soraya is a Person-centred counsellor and supervisor, accredited with the BACP and over 20 years’ experience working with adults, children and young people, in private practice, schools and universities. Soraya is also a qualified mindfulness teacher and practitioner.”

Soraya Bellis Lecturer in Counselling