Ellie McHale

Course Title: BSc (Hons) Professional Policing.
Year of Graduation: 2024

UndergraduateCriminology & Policing

Ellie McHale

What were you doing before coming to Wrexham University?

Before coming to Wrexham University, I had just finished in college and was unsure of what I was going to do next. I knew I wanted to go into the police however was unsure of how to get in.

What attracted you to Wrexham University?

I came to an open day and saw the policing degree. I went and spoke with the lectures. they told me all about the course and how this would allow me a good opportunity to get into the police.

What was the atmosphere like around campus?

Around the campus everyone was friendly. All the staff were helpful and super supportive.

What did you enjoy most about your course?

Throughout the course there were many opportunities for guest speakers. This gave a unique insight into the real side of policing.

What was the support like?

I have dyslexic and I cannot recommend this university enough for inclusion. The university helped me to succeed in my course. This allowed me to achieve the best of myself I could. Within the course the lectures support, advice and guidance was truly amazing. They always had time for a chat and would always where possible go the extra mile to help me succeed. I never thought I would be able to achieve the grades I did without the support I received.

How do you think you have benefited from studying at Wrexham University?

The smaller classes allow you to receive the most outstanding teaching. The quality of the teaching is so high.

How did your time at Wrexham University prepare you for the world of work?

Wrexham University really focuses on not just teaching academic work but also preparing you for the working world. Within our course we received interview advice from current police officers. We received support through the application processes.

What have you done since graduating and what does your current job involve?

I have been successful in my application to a Police force and have begun training to become a police community support officer.  

How did studying at Wrexham University help you?

Wrexham University gave me the confidence to know when I set my mind to something I can achieve it.