Wrexham University aims to promote sustainable communities, services and use of physical resources.
Our Sustainability Action Forum (SAF), a small army of Green Champions, consisting of students and staff, including Students Union and Unison representatives and Sustainability, has been given an annual budget of £20,000 ring fenced for special projects.

Keeping our commitment to sustainability
We've used 100% renewable electricity since 2018.
Carbon emissions have reduced by 51% since 2009/10
We recycled 40% of our waste in 2022/23 - our next target is 50%.

What we do
Learn more about our commitment to sustainable resources, teaching and services.

Helping the environment
186 tonnes of waste collected 40% recycled
24% hot drinks sales in reusable cups - 10,888 disposables avoided.
23% gas & electricity reduction since 2009/10

From our staff and committees to local community groups, find out about the people helping our sustainability commitment.

Carbon management
Learn about how Wrexham University is managing its energy consumption and carbon reduction.

Sustainability in education
Find out about our commitment to ensuring that staff and students understand, and are concerned about, global issues of sustainable development.
Awards & Accreditations
People & Planet 2:1
Wrexham University has been placed among the top third of British universities for its performance in the People and Planet University League. The People and Planet team measure everything from a university’s carbon reduction policies to its water reduction measures, with 153 universities in the UK ranked accordingly. Wrexham University is ranked 43 and in the top 10 for ethical careers and recruitment and Ethical Investment
The University has also signed up to the Welsh Governments Code of Practice on Ethical Employment in the Supply Chain and Modern Slavery Act, which is the world's largest open data register committed to ending modern slavery and supply chain labour abuses.
Wrexham Area Civic Society Award for Sustainability
The University was presented with a Wrexham Area Civic Society award for sustainability. The society described the Centre for Creative Industries building as "a striking and successful piece of modern architecture". At the heart of the building, from day one of its design has been its sustainable features, from its ‘green’ sedum roof to all toilets being supplied from recycled rainwater collected from the roof, air-to-air source heat pumps providing heating and the green roof providing a high thermal mass, reducing the demand for quick response energy.
Green Impact
Green Impact empowers individuals and departments to reduce their environmental impact, challenging the University to implement a number of easy, practical actions that will help the environment. WU Students Union work in collaboration with Wrexham University on the Green Impact Award annually. This year, a score of 305 was achieved and an EXCELLENT award.