Trauma and ACE
Trauma and Ace
Here at Wrexham University, we are working to become a Trauma and Adverse Childhood Experience (TrACE) informed institution – the first University of its kind in the UK. This project is in partnership with the Welsh Government-funded and Public Health Wales-hosted ACE Hub Wales.
As the lead strategic partner in the delivery of the Children’s University programme across North Wales, we have committed to explore and support the development of a trauma informed approach to the CU model. We are offering free training to schools and learning destinations, across North Wales, to embed trauma informed practice within the North Wales Children’s University.
Watch our animation here - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uFSsE2qOnuw
What does being TrACE Informed mean?
Being TrACE informed means developing an understanding of trauma and its widespread impact. We aim to support people who may have encountered trauma or adversity, promoting a culture that embeds kindness, compassion, and respect into everyday practice
Becoming TrACE informed is not about diagnosing nor treating symptoms of trauma, we aim to develop an approach that recognises that adversity and trauma are a possibility for everyone. Using a strengths-based approach, we seek to promote opportunities for wellbeing, healing, and recovery, recognising that we can all play a part in creating change.
"People will forget what you said, people
will forget what you did, but people will
never forget how you made them feel"
- Maya Angelou
We aim to reduce the negative impact of trauma and adversity. We believe that organisations who adopt a TrACE approach, when working with children and young people can help them to improve their communication skills, can help them to regulate their emotions and builds their resilience. Challenging times can be difficult to navigate and the support and guidance of a trusted adult, either in their school or their community group, can be empowering.
Should you require more information, please email traceinfo@wrexham.ac.uk