Dr Phoebe Teh

Darllenydd mewn Cyfrifiadura Cymdeithasol

Picture of staff member

Dechreuodd fy siwrnai academaidd gyda BSc (Anrh) mewn Synhwyro o Bell. Enillais Feistr TG o Universiti Sains Malaysia yn 2003 a PhD mewn Systemau Rheoli Gwybodaeth o Universiti Putra Malaysia yn 2011. Mae gen i PGCert mewn Ymarfer Academaidd o Brifysgol Caerhirfryn ac rwyf hefyd yn Uwch Gymrawd o AdvanceHE ac yn Uwch aelod o IEEE.

Dechreuais fy ngyrfa academaidd fel Darlithydd yn yr Ysgol Technoleg Gwybodaeth ym Mhrifysgol UCSI, gan ddod yn Uwch Ddarlithydd a Phennaeth yr Ysgol Technoleg Gwybodaeth yn ddiweddarach. Yn 2012 symudais i Brifysgol Sunway, lle bûm hefyd yn gwasanaethu fel Pennaeth yr Adran Systemau Gwybodaeth. Yn Sunway, canolbwyntiodd fy ymchwil ar ddeall sut mae cyfryngau cymdeithasol yn effeithio ar ein bywydau, gan ddefnyddio Prosesu Iaith Naturiol i ddadansoddi teimladau defnyddwyr. Gall yr ymchwil hwn helpu, er enghraifft, gall busnesau ddeall beth yw barn cwsmeriaid am eu cynhyrchion neu wasanaethau helpu i ganfod twyll a diogelu defnyddwyr unigolion a chymdeithas rhag iaith casineb.

Rwyf wedi cyhoeddi dros 80 o erthyglau ymchwil, penodau llyfrau a phapurau cynhadledd. Ar hyn o bryd mae fy mynegai H yn 16 oed a fy mynegai i10 yn 22. Yn 2022 cefais ddyrchafiad i fod yn athro llawn ym Mhrifysgol Sunway, i gydnabod fy allbwn ymchwil cynyddol ac effaith ymchwil yn y byd academaidd, diwydiant a'r gymdeithas ehangach. Mae adeiladu ar synergedd mewnwelediadau’r cyfryngau cymdeithasol a thechnegau NLP blaengar wedi fy ngalluogi i fynd i'r afael â materion cymdeithasol cymhleth gydag atebion arloesol. O rannu teimladau cyhoeddus i lunio strategaethau sy'n cael eu llywio gan ddata.

Mae fy nghydweithrediadau ymchwil ac addysgu wedi mynd â mi ar draws llawer o Asia, yn ogystal â rhannau o Ewrop, y DU ac UDA. Rwy’n gyfarwydd â 5 iaith wahanol, gan fy helpu i adeiladu partneriaethau aml-wlad i wella symudedd myfyrwyr a datrys cwestiynau ymchwil cymhleth.

Prosiectau Ymchwil

Mae fy niddordeb ymchwil mewn cyfrifiadura cymdeithasol yn ymwneud â deall deinameg cywrain rhyngweithiadau dynol mewn llwyfannau digidol a chymunedau rhithwir. Mae gennyf ddiddordeb yn y ffordd y mae unigolion yn cyfathrebu, yn cydweithio ac yn rhannu gwybodaeth mewn mannau ar-lein. Gan archwilio pynciau fel rhwydweithiau cymdeithasol ar-lein, dadansoddi teimladau, ac ymddygiad defnyddwyr mewn amgylcheddau rhithwir, fy nod yw datgelu mewnwelediadau a all lywio dyluniad technolegau cymdeithasol mwy effeithiol sy'n canolbwyntio ar y defnyddiwr. Trwy astudio effaith cyfrifiadura cymdeithasol ar gymdeithas, preifatrwydd, a lledaenu gwybodaeth, rwy'n ceisio cyfrannu at ddatblygiad platfformau digidol a'u hintegreiddio i'n bywydau bob dydd wrth fynd i'r afael â heriau moesegol a chymdeithasol.

Teitl Rôl Disgrifiad Hyd/O 
Barn Gyhoeddus ar Ddefnydd Plastig a Lleihau Trydariadau gan Ddefnyddio Dadansoddiad Teimladau a Dull Dilyniannol: Prif Ymchwilwyr Dadansoddi data Twitter trwy ddadansoddi teimladau a dadansoddi dilyniannol i gael cipolwg ar farn y cyhoedd ar ddefnyddio a lleihau plastig, gan lywio mentrau a pholisïau cynaliadwy. 01/01/2020 - 31/12/2020
Diogelwch Ar-lein ac Amlygiad Ieuenctid i Seiberfwlio ym Malaysia Cyd-ymchwilydd Mae’n cynnwys arolygu cymwysiadau seiberfwlio, deall sut maent yn gweithio, asesu’r effaith ar ieuenctid, a chynnig atebion sy’n seiliedig ar dystiolaeth i 01/01/2018 - 31/12/2018
Canfod Barn ac Emosiwn Defnyddiwr mewn Adolygiadau Cynnyrch Ar-lein Cyd-ymchwilydd Mae’n canolbwyntio ar ddatblygu algorithmau a thechnegau i ddadansoddi a thynnu barn ac emosiynau defnyddwyr yn awtomatig o adolygiadau cynnyrch ar-lein. Nod y gwaith hwn yw darparu mewnwelediad gwerthfawr i fusnesau a defnyddwyr trwy fesur dwyster teimlad a theimlad mewn adborth gan ddefnyddwyr. 01/01/2017 - 31/12/2017
Iaith Casineb a Geiriau Anghysegredig Prif Ymchwilwyr Mecanwaith canfod ar gyfer iaith casineb a rhegi mewn cynnwys ar-lein. Yn ogystal, mae'n ceisio delweddu'r defnydd byd-eang o eiriau sy’n rhegi, gan daflu goleuni ar dueddiadau sgwrs ar-lein a hyrwyddo cyfathrebu mwy parchus a chynhwysol ar-lein. 01/01/2017 - 31/12/2017
Darganfyddwch y pwysiadau ar gyfer pob newidyn sy'n cyfrannu at werth teimlad cyffredinol mynegiant ( VoE ) mewn cynhyrchion cymdeithasol byd-eang Prif Ymchwilwyr Nod y prosiect yw pennu pwysiadau'r newidynnau sy'n dylanwadu ar werth cyffredinol mynegiant ( VoE ) mewn cynhyrchion cymdeithasol byd-eang. Trwy ddadansoddiad trylwyr, mae'n ceisio rhoi pwysigrwydd i ffactorau sy'n effeithio ar deimladau defnyddwyr, gan ddarparu mewnwelediadau gwerthfawr ar gyfer gwella cynnyrch a deall canfyddiad defnyddwyr ar draws llwyfannau cymdeithasol amrywiol ledled y byd. 04/01/2016 - 30/06/2017
Canfod papurau gwyddonol twyllodrus gan ddefnyddio cyfrifiaduron i asesu awgrymiadau seicolegol i nodi twyll Prif Ymchwilwyr Mae'r prosiect yn canolbwyntio ar ddefnyddio algorithmau cyfrifiadurol i ganfod papurau gwyddonol twyllodrus trwy asesu awgrymiadau seicolegol yn ymwneud â thwyll. Ei nod yw datblygu system gadarn sy'n gallu nodi anonestrwydd mewn ymchwil drwy ddadansoddi patrymau ieithyddol ac ymddygiadol , gan sicrhau cywirdeb a dibynadwyedd llenyddiaeth wyddonol. 02/01/2017 - 29/12/2017
Mesur Teimlad Defnyddwyr: brandio cynhyrchion mewn Masnach Gymdeithasol Fyd-eang Prif Ymchwilwyr Mae'r prosiect hwn yn canolbwyntio ar fesur teimlad defnyddwyr tuag at frandio cynnyrch mewn masnach gymdeithasol fyd-eang. Mae'n ceisio dadansoddi a meintioli canfyddiadau, emosiynau a barn defnyddwyr yn ymwneud â hunaniaeth brand a'i effaith ar ddewisiadau defnyddwyr o fewn tirwedd ddeinamig llwyfannau masnach gymdeithasol fyd-eang. 01/01/2015 - 31/12/2015



Blwyddyn Cyhoeddiad Math
2024 Human-Created and AI-Generated Text: What’s Left to Uncover, 
Salter, Steven;Teh, Phoey Lee;Hebblewhite, Richard
Other Publication
2024 Systematic Review of Machine Learning in Recommendation Systems Over the Last Decade, 
Weiner, Felix;Teh, Phoey Lee;Cheng, Chi-Bin
Other Publication
2024 AI’s Influence on Non-Player Character Dialogue and Gameplay Experience, 
Iarovoi, Dmitrii;Hebblewhite, Richard;Teh, Phoey Lee
Other Publication
2024 Impact of Large Language Models on Scholarly Publication Titles and Abstracts: A Comparative Analysis, [DOI]
Teh, Phoey Lee;Uwasomba, Chukwudi Festus
Peer Reviewed Journal
2024 Selection of qualified reviewers and avoiding conflicts of interest within the issue of compromised peer review in paper retractions using an ontology-based decision support system, International Journal of Metadata, Semantics and Ontologies. [DOI]
Mymooda Al-Hidabi,;Yunli Lee;Zaharin Yusoff;Phoey Lee Teh;Wai Chong Chia;Chukwudi Uwasomba
Other Journal
2022 Sitting Behaviour in Home Working Environment and its Association with Back Pain during Pandemic in Malaysia,  Journal of Clinical and Health Sciences. [DOI]
Phoey Lee Teh;Ker Woon Choy;Yeh Ching Low;Pei Boon Ooi
Other Journal
2022 Factors Associated with Adolescent Cyberbullying Perpetration and Victimization in Malaysia,  Proceedings of International Academic Symposium of Social Science 2022. [DOI]
Pei Boon Ooi;Pridyadharshini Ahrumugam;Phoey Lee Teh;Nee Nee Chan
Conference Publication
2022 Online Shopping Behavior during Pandemic, The 6th International Conference on Compute and Data Analysis. [DOI]
Phoey Lee Teh;Angela Siew Hoong Lee;Jie Ying Teo
Conference Publication
2022 Text Messages with Emoticons Analysis on Sentiment Tools, ICCDA 2022. [DOI]
Phoey Lee Teh;Wei Yek Lim
Conference Publication
2022 Textual Variations Affect Human Judgements of Sentiment Values, Electronic Commerce Research and Applications. [DOI]
Phoey Lee Teh;Paul Rayson;Irina Pak;Jessica Ho;Andrew Moore;Yu-N Cheah
Peer Reviewed Journal
2022 Profane Words on Twitter: an analysis of the use of swear words in different countries, The 6th International Conference on Compute and Data Analysis. [DOI]
Phoey Lee Teh;Chi-Bin Cheng
Conference Publication
2022 CyberAid: Are your children safe from cyberbullying?, JOURNAL OF KING SAUD UNIVERSITY-COMPUTER AND INFORMATION SCIENCES, 34. [DOI]
Thun, Lee Jia;Teh, Phoey Lee;Cheng, Chi -Bin
Peer Reviewed Journal
2022 Analysis of Popular Social Media Topics Regarding Plastic Pollution, SUSTAINABILITY, 14. [DOI]
Teh, Phoey Lee;Piao, Scott;Almansour, Mansour;Ong, Huey Fang;Ahad, Abdul
Peer Reviewed Journal
2021 Direct least squares fitting of ellipses segmentation and prioritized rules classification for curve-shaped chart patterns, Applied Soft Computing Journal. [DOI]
lat Long Lei;Phoey Lee Teh;Yain-Whar Si
Peer Reviewed Journal
2021 Reasons of Individuals to Trust What They Read on Social Network Sites, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing. [DOI]
Tom Sander;Phoey Lee Teh
Book Chapter
2021 Five Hundred Most-Cited Papers in the Computer Sciences: Trends, Relationships and Common Factors,  Trends and Applications in Information Systems and Technologies. [DOI]
Phoey Lee Teh;Peter Heard
Book Chapter
2021 Pay to Play: Understanding Gamer,  The 23rd International Conference on Information Integration and Web Intelligence. [DOI]
Phoey Lee Teh;Irina Pak
Conference Publication
2021 Geographical distance and news diffusion associating with the sentiment of tweets: Case Study on London Bridge Attack 2017, IEEE Intl Conf on Parallel & Distributed Processing with Applications, Big Data & Cloud Computing. [DOI]
Phoey Lee Teh;Jin Quan Low;Yain-Whar Si
Conference Publication
2021 GoVegan: Exploring Motives and Opinions from Tweets. , Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing. [DOI]
Phoey Lee Teh;Wei Li Yap
Conference Publication
Lye, Say Hong;Teh, Phoey Lee
Conference Publication
2021 PolyAQG Framework: Auto-generating assessment questions, 2021 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON COMPUTING (ICOCO). [DOI]
Tan, Tee Hean;Teh, Phoey Lee;Yusoff, Zaharin
Conference Publication
2021 The Labour Market Under Consideration of the Technical Changes, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ONLINE PEDAGOGY AND COURSE DESIGN, 11. [DOI]
Sander, Tom;Teh, Phoey Lee;Mesquita, Anabela
Peer Reviewed Journal
2020 Hate Speech and Profanity Words, International Journal of Information and Management Sciences. [DOI]
Phoey Lee Teh;Chi-Bin Cheng
Other Journal
2020 How Different Genders Use Profanity on Twitter?,  Proceedings of the 2020 the 4th International Conference on Compute and Data Analysis. [DOI]
Shang Cheong Wong;Phoey Lee Teh;Chi-Bin Cheng
Conference Publication
2020 Viewing Airbnb from Twitter: factors associated with users' utilization, 22ND INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INFORMATION INTEGRATION AND WEB-BASED APPLICATIONS & SERVICES (IIWAS2020). [DOI]
Teh, Phoey Lee;Low, Yeh Ching;Ooi, Pei Boon
Conference Publication
2020 Relationships between emoticon usage and recipient groups in students' text messages, 22ND INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INFORMATION INTEGRATION AND WEB-BASED APPLICATIONS & SERVICES (IIWAS2020). [DOI]
Teh, Phoey Lee;Boon, Ooi Pei;Gill, Colin M. H. D.
Conference Publication
2019 Data Visualisation: World Happiness at a Glance!,  Lecture Notes in Computer Science. [DOI]
Lee A.S.H;Kudbyddun A;Phoey Lee Teh
Book Chapter
2019 My Employer’s Prestige, My Prestige, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing. [DOI]
Tom Sander;Phoey Lee Teh
Book Chapter
2019 Compilation of Malay criminological terms from online news., The Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (IJEECS). [DOI]
Ling Lee Chiew;Phoey Lee Teh;Sian Lun Lau;Irina Pak
Other Journal
2019 Is Social Media Changing the Awareness of Individuals? , Proceedings of The International Conference on New Trends in Social Sciences. [DOI]
Tom Sander;Phoey Lee Teh
Conference Publication
2018 Multiple publications: The main reason for the retraction of papers in computer science. , Advances in Information and Communication Networks. [DOI]
Mymoona Dawood Abdulmalek Al-Hidabi;Phoey Lee Teh
Book Chapter
2018 A Comparative Study of the Effectiveness of Sentiment Tools and Human Coding in Sarcasm Detection, Journal of Systems and Information Technology. [DOI]
Phoey Lee Teh;Pei Boon Ooi;Nee Nee Chan;Yee Kang Chuah
Other Journal
2018 Hidden Sentiment Behind Letter Repetition in Online Reviews, Journal of Telecommunication, Electronic and Computer Engineering. [DOI]
Irina Pak;Phoey Lee Teh;Yu-N Cheah
Peer Reviewed Journal
2018 Text Extraction and Categorization from Watermark Scientific Document in Bulk, 2018 3RD INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON COMPUTATIONAL INTELLIGENCE AND APPLICATIONS (ICCIA). [DOI]
Chia, Wai Chong;Teh, Phoey Lee;Gill, Colin Mathew Hew D.
Conference Publication
2018 Value of Expressions behind the Letter Capitalization in Product Reviews, PROCEEDINGS OF 2018 7TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SOFTWARE AND COMPUTER APPLICATIONS (ICSCA 2018). [DOI]
Pak, Irina;Teh, Phoey Lee
Conference Publication
2017 Text Segmentation Techniques: A Critical Review, Studies in Computational Intelligence. [DOI]
Irina Pak;Phoey Lee Teh
Book Chapter
2017 Text Steganography using Daily Emotions Monitoring, International Journal Education and Management Engineering. [DOI]
Sivabalan A. L Patiburn;Vahab Iranmanesh;Phoey Lee Teh
Other Journal
Sander, Tom;Sloka, Biruta;Lee, Teh Phoey
Conference Publication
2017 Your social network profile reveals you, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF WEB INFORMATION SYSTEMS, 13. [DOI]
Sander, Tom;Teh, Phoey Lee;Sloka, Biruta
Peer Reviewed Journal
2016 Mobile Messenger Application: Sharing, Rating and Engagement in Global Social Commerce, Social Media and Technology. [DOI] Other Journal
2016 Machine Learning Classifiers: Evaluation of the Performance in Online Reviews, Indian Journal of Science and Technology. [DOI]
Irina Pak;Phoey Lee Teh
Other Journal
2016 Utilization of Facebook by School Children in the Apprenticeship Seeking Process, BUSINESS, MANAGEMENT AND EDUCATION . [DOI]
Tom Sander;Phoey Lee Teh;Biruta Sloka
Other Journal
2016 Reversing the Polarity with Emoticons, NATURAL LANGUAGE PROCESSING AND INFORMATION SYSTEMS, NLDB 2016. [DOI]
Teh, Phoey Lee;Rayson, Paul;Pak, Irina;Piao, Scott;Yeng, Seow Mei
Conference Publication
2016 Lexical Coverage Evaluation of Large-scale Multilingual Semantic Lexicons for Twelve Languages, LREC 2016 - TENTH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON LANGUAGE RESOURCES AND EVALUATION. 
Piao, Scott;Rayson, Paul;Archer, Dawn;Bianchi, Francesca;Dayrell, Carmen;El-Haj, Mahmoud;Jimenez, Ricardo-Maria;Knight, Dawn;Kren, Michal;Lofberg, Laura;Nawab, Rao Muhammad Adeel;Shafi, Jawad;Teh, Phoey Lee;Mudraya, Olga
Conference Publication
2015 Sentiment analysis tools should take account of the number of exclamation marks!!!, 17th International Conference on Information Integration and Web-based Application. [DOI] Conference Publication
2015 The Use of Social Network Sites for the Employment Seeking Process, International Journal of Social Sciences. [DOI]
Tom Sander;Phoey Lee Teh;Biruta Sloka
Other Journal
2015 A Reliable Method to Analyse Social Network Sites With Interviews. European Scientific Journal, European Scientific Journal. 
Tom Sander;Phoey Lee Teh;Sloka Biruta
Other Journal
2015 User Preference and Channels Use in the Employment Seeking Process,  Proceedings- 11th International Conference on Mangement, Enterprise and Benchmarking (MEB 2015). [DOI]
Tom Sander;Phoey Lee Teh;Melinda Majlath;Biruta Sloka
Conference Publication
2015 Exploring the Distance, Location, and Style of "Selfies" with the Self-Pano Mobile Application, NEW CONTRIBUTIONS IN INFORMATION SYSTEMS AND TECHNOLOGIES, VOL 1, PT 1. [DOI]
Lee, Teh Phoey;Kosasih, William
Conference Publication
2015 Use of Social Network Site's Profile for the Employment Seeking Process, NEW CONTRIBUTIONS IN INFORMATION SYSTEMS AND TECHNOLOGIES, VOL 1, PT 1. [DOI]
Sander, Tom;Teh, Phoey Lee;Sloka, Biruta
Conference Publication
2015 Exploring fine-grained sentiment values in online product reviews, 2015 IEEE CONFERENCE ON OPEN SYSTEMS (ICOS). 
Teh, Phoey Lee;Rayson, Paul;Pak, Irina;Piao, Scott
Conference Publication
2015 Identifying and Categorising Profane Words in Hate Speech, PROCEEDINGS OF THE 2018 2ND INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON COMPUTE AND DATA ANALYSIS (ICCDA 2018). [DOI]
Teh, Phoey Lee;Cheng, Chi-Bin;Chee, Weng Mun
Conference Publication
2014 A Concept to Measure Social Capital in Social Network Sites, International Journal of Future Computer and Communication.  Other Journal
2014 Determining the indicators of social capital theory to social network sites, 2014 3rd International Conference on User Science and Engineering (i-USEr). [DOI]
Tom Sander;Phoey Lee Teh
Conference Publication
2014 Mobile-Assisted Instructional for Domestic Maid (MAID), Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology . 
Phoey Lee Teh;Muketha G M
Other Journal
Sander, Tom;Lee, Teh Phoey
Conference Publication
2014 The Intention to Share and Re-Shared among the Young Adults towards a Posting at Social Networking Sites, NEW PERSPECTIVES IN INFORMATION SYSTEMS AND TECHNOLOGIES, VOL 1. [DOI]
Teh, Phoey-Lee;Huah, Lim Paul;Si, Yain-Whar
Conference Publication
2013 Employment Seeking Under Consideration of Social Capital on Social Network Sites, ACIS 2013 PROCEEDINGS. [DOI]
Tom Sander;Christie Pei-Yee chin;Phoey Lee Teh
Conference Publication
2013 Self-Portrait Images for Mobile Application, ADVANCES IN INFORMATION SYSTEMS AND TECHNOLOGIES. [DOI]
Lee, Teh Phoey;Kabbany, Nael;Jun, Chan Kei
Conference Publication
2011 Generation of a template for usage point determination in facebook, WORLD CONFERENCE ON INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY (WCIT-2010). [DOI]
Teh, Phoey Lee;Batch, Yamen;Ji, Ma Ling
Conference Publication
2011 MTag: A model to enable collaborative medical tagging in medical blogs, WORLD CONFERENCE ON INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY (WCIT-2010). [DOI]
Batch, Yamen;Yusof, Maryati Mohd;Noah, Shahrul Azman Mohd;Lee, Teh Phoey
Conference Publication
2009 User Assisted Keyword Search on RSS Synthesizer for Relevant Weblogs, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology. 
Phoey Lee Teh;Abdul Azim Abd Ghani;Hamidah Ibrahim;Rodziah Atan
Other Journal
2009 Coalescence of XML-based really simple syndication (RSS) aggregator for blogosphere,  Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Advances in Mobile Computing and Multimedia. [DOI]
Phoey Lee Teh;Abdul Azim Abdul Ghani;Hamidah Ibrahim;Rodziah Atan
Conference Publication
2008 Survey on application tools of Really Simple Syndication (RSS): A Case Study at Klang Valley, INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 2008, VOLS 1-4, PROCEEDINGS. 
Lee, Teh Phoey;Ghani, Abdul Azim Abdul;Huang, Chan Yu
Conference Publication
2008 Natural Language Web Application (NLWA) for Search Engine, International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security . 
Phoey Lee Teh;Yee Teng Tan
Other Journal

Anrhydeddau a Gwobrau

Dyddiad Teitl Corff Dyfarnu
2018 Uwch aelod IEEEE Sefydliad y Peirianwyr Trydanol ac Electroneg (IEEE)
2011 Gold Medal Award for PhD Research Innovation & Invention Exbition Research Innovation & Invention Exhibition 2011, UPM
2022 Uwch Gymrawd Academi Addysg Uwch (SFHEA) Advanced HE (UK)

Corff Dyfarnu

Cymdeithasau Ariennir gan
Sefydliad y Peirianwyr Trydanol ac Electroneg   Aelod Hŷn


Cyflogwr Swydd Hyd/O
Sunway University Athro 2022 - 2022
Sunway University Athro cyswllt 2015 - 2021
UCSI University Uwch Ddarlithydd/HoD 2009 - 2012
UCSI University Darlithydd 2003 - 2009
Sunway University Uwch Ddarlithydd/HoD 2012 - 2014


Sefydliad Cymhwyster Pwnc Hyd/O
University Putra Malaysia PhD Systemau Rheoli Gwybodaeth 2007 - 2011
University of Science Malaysia MSc in Information Technology Technoleg Gwybodaeth 2002 - 2003
University of Technology, Malaysia Bsc (Hons) Remote Sensing Synhwyro o Bell 1998 - 2002
Lancaster University PGCert Academic Practice (International) Gweithiwr Addysgu Proffesiynol 2018 - 2018


Leithoedd Darllen Ysgrifennu Siarad
Mandarin Hyfedredd Proffesiynol Hyfedredd Proffesiynol Hyfedredd Proffesiynol
cantonese Hyfedredd Gweithio Cyfyngedig Hyfedredd Gweithio Cyfyngedig Hyfedredd Gweithio Cyfyngedig
English Hyfedredd Proffesiynol PHyfedredd Proffesiynol Hyfedredd Proffesiynol
Japanese Hyfedredd Gweithio Cyfyngedig Hyfedredd Gweithio Cyfyngedig Hyfedredd Elfennol 
Malay Hyfedredd Proffesiynol Hyfedredd Proffesiynol Hyfedredd Proffesiynol

Adolygydd neu Olygydd Cylchgronau

Enw'r Cyfnodolyn Gweithgaredd
Journal Information Processing and Management Adolygydd Cymheiriaid
Journal of Journal of Information and Communication Technology Adolygydd Cymheiriaid
International Journal of Web Information System Adolygydd Cymheiriaid
International Journal of Operations and Production Management Adolygydd Cymheiriaid
Cyberpsychology, Behaviour and Social Networking Adolygydd Cymheiriaid

Gweithgareddau Allgymorth

Teitl Disgrifiad Sefydliad
Guest Speaker & research collaboration to Tamkang University Siaradwr gwadd a chydweithrediad ymchwil Tamkang University
Panel and Speaker for Belt and Road Initiative Panel a siaradwr gwadd am rannu ymchwil a chyfnewid diwylliannol. Lancaster University Confucius Institute
Guest Speaker at Chung Yuan University Siaradwr Gwadd ym Mhrifysgol Chung Yuan Chung Yuan University
Guest Speaker for Workshop Series in Social Data Analytics theme, to Yuen Ze University, Taiwan (Online). Cynnal cyfres o weithdai 4 diwrnod ar thema Dadansoddeg Data Cymdeithasol.  
Guest Speaker to a seminar at UCREL, Lancaster University, UK. (Twitter LIVE) Cloddio barn y cyhoedd: dadansoddi sylwadau ac adolygiadau http://ucrel.lancaster.ac.uk/crs/presentation.php?id=221 University Centre for Computer Corpus Research on Language Computing & Communications | Linguistics and English Language
Guest Speaker at Aletheia University Siaradwr Gwadd a chydweithrediad ymchwil Aletheia University

Rhaglenni/ Modiwlau wedi'u Cydlynu

Teitl Pwnc
Dissertation Project COM 752
Advanced Data Structure and Algorithm COM713
Data Analysis and Visualization COM 712
Machine Learning COM 714
Advanced Data Structure and Algorithm COM 713
Data Structure and Algoritm COM 539
Database Systems and Data Analytics COM 736