Canolfan Ymchwil Y Celfyddydau Creadigol
Mae ein canolfan ymchwil ar gyfer y celfyddydau creadigol yn cynnwys ymchwil ym meysydd celf a dylunio, technoleg cyfryngau creadigol, y dyniaethau, newyddiaduraeth a darlledu, theatr, teledu, perfformio, a Chymraeg.
Mae'r ganolfan ymchwil yn cysylltu cymunedau trwy arddangosfeydd, perfformiadau, darllediadau radio, darlithoedd cyhoeddus a gweithdai - gan gynhyrchu ymchwil sy'n cyfrannu at gorff ehangach o wybodaeth a all wella cymdeithas.
Mae ymchwil ryngddisgyblaethol yn cael ei feithrin yn ein hamgylchedd creadigol i ddatblygu ffyrdd blaengar o gyfathrebu, rhyngweithio a datrys problemau. Mae pwyslais hefyd ar ddulliau ymchwil sy'n cael eu harwain gan ymarfer ac sy'n seiliedig ar ymarfer, gyda chynrychioliadau gweledol yn aml yn fodd i ledaenu'r gwaith.
Mae ymchwil yn ysbrydoli ac yn datblygu ein cyrsiau yn barhaus ac yn ein galluogi i ddarparu cyfres seminarau atyniadol o sgyrsiau cysylltiedig ag ymchwil gan ein staff a'n siaradwyr gwahoddedig. Ymhlith y themâu allweddol yn ein hymchwil mae ymgysylltu cymdeithasol, y celfyddydau ym maes iechyd, meddwl materol o fewn celf a dylunio a thechnoleg ac arloesedd.
Mae gan Brifysgol Glyndŵr Wrecsam lawer o adnoddau ar draws ei champysau. Mae'r adnoddau yn helpu i greu ethos creadigol a datblygu prosiectau ymchwil myfyrwyr.
Hefyd, mae'r Brifysgol yn adra i nifer o leoliadau perfformio sy'n cynnig popeth! Fel enghreifftiau: sgyrsiau i greu cynyrchiadau, orsaf radio gymunedol, Heart FM, stiwdio Wrecsam a BBC Radio Wales.
Mae ein hadeilad Creative Industries yn bwrpasol yn dod ac adnoddau at ei gilydd, o'r byd technoleg i'r byd dylunio. Hefyd, mae ein hadeilad Regent Street yn darparu'r amgylchedd celf ysgol draddodiadol sydd ei angen ar artistiaid.
Prosiectau Ymchwil
Mae ein hymchwil yn cynnwys chwe pwnc: technolegau cyfryngau creadigol; dyniaethau; newyddiaduraeth a darlledu; theatr, teledu a pherfformio; Cymraeg; a chelf a dylunio.
Rhai themâu ymchwil diweddar wedi cynnwys: ymgysylltu cymdeithasol; y celfyddydau mewn iechyd; meddwl materol o fewn celf a dylunio; a thechnoleg ac arloesedd.
Mae'r Ganolfan yn cynhyrchu cyhoeddiadau, arddangosfeydd, cynadleddau, seminarau cyhoeddus ac yn cynhyrchu seminarau ysgrifenedig ac ymarferol. Mae hefyd yn gweithio'n agos gydag Oriel Sycharth yn y brifysgol.
Baker, D. (2016) 'Deep Time and The Anthropocene in d.g.nanouk okpik's Corpse Whale.' Strata Symposium, Aberystwyth University.
Davies, S. (2016) Towards HAL-ography (Conference Paper), In: Stanley Kubrick: A Retrospective, International Conference, De Montford University.
Davies, S. (2016) CVMP – 12th European Conference on Visual Media Production, (poster presentation) London.
Jones, P. (2016) Art and Geopolitical Borders: Contested Sovereignty and Art Practice, (conference paper) Manchester Metropolitan University.
Liggett, S. (2016) Positioning Ones-Self in the Research Process: eliminating pseudo-science, a split personality and narcissism in combined arts and science research projects at Wrexham Glyndwr University. In: Research Practice, Practice Research, Fine Art research network symposium, NAFAE, University of Cumbria.
Mckenna, M. (2016) A Murder Mystery in Black and Blue: The Marketing, Distribution and Cult Mythology of Snuff in the UK. In: Jackson, N et al. (eds) Snuff: Real Death and Screen Media. London: Bloomsbury.
McClenaghen, J. (2016) Teaching Painting (conference paper), The Whitworth Art Gallery, Manchester, 2016.
Mclenghen, J and Liggett. S. (2016) It wasn’t what I thought I was making”: Managing uncertainty in a speculative space (conference paper). National Association of Fine Art Educators (NAFAE) Conference, London.
Shepley, A. (2016) Art Schools as Heterotopias (Keynote Speaker). In: The Hidden Curriculum Conference, National Association for Fine Art Education. University of East London, London, 22 January.
Simcock, J. (2016) Dyslexia and Teeline: Best teaching practice for shorthand students with learning differences. Conference presentation, NCTJ national shorthand conference, London.
Thompson E & Noga L., Bick A., Kidner M., Marce M.,Sturgis D., Sutton T., (2016) Imperfect Reverse (Exhibition) 18-Oct-16-18-Nov-16 Camberwell Space Projects, London.
Woodford-Smith, R. (2016) ‘Working with Gekidan Kaitaisha: Contemporary Japanese performance, cultural hybridization and transcultural collaboration’, Asian Performance and Diaspora Working Group, Theatre and Performance Research Association, University of Bristol.
Alonso, C. (2015) “The Narrative of Craft: Digital Capabilities within Traditional Stories”, In: Proceedings of Internet Technologies and Applications (ITA2015), Wrexham Glyndwr University
Cooke, A. (2015) Motyf, Type in music. (conference and publication) In: Hochschule fur Gestaltung Schwäbisch Gmünd. ISBN 978-3-936483-07-09.
Liggett, S, Heald K., Earnshaw R.A., Thompson E. and Excell P.S. (2015): "Collaborative Research in Art, Design and New Media - Challenges and Opportunities ", In: Proceedings of Internet Technologies and Applications (ITA 2015) Wrexham Glyndwr University.
Liggett S., Earnshaw R.A., Cunningham S., Heald K. and Thompson E (2015): "Models for Research in Art, Design,and the Creative Industries", In: Proceedings of Internet Technologies and Applications (ITA2015), Wrexham Glyndwr University .
Liggett S., Earnshaw R.A., and Excell P.S. (2015): "Evaluating the REF2014 Results in Art and Design", In: Proceedings of Internet Technologies and Applications (ITA2015), Wrexham Glyndwr University.
Shepley, A. (2015) The Persistence of Escapology: The Relevance of Indeterminate Practices in Contemporary Art and Thinking through Unmaking. In: 11th International Conference on the Artsin Society: The Practice of Art in the Age of the Anthropocene. University of California, 10-12August.
Berry, D. (2016) Sent/Not Sent. Self published. Reviewed by Page 45 http://www.page45.com/store/SentNot-Sent-Signed-Sketched-In-.html
Brake, J. (2016) Meithrin Sgiliau Gwrando a Deall a Gwylio a Deall. In: Jones, C and Morris, S. (eds) Cyfoethogi’r Cyfathrebu. Cardiff: University of Wales Press.
Earnshaw, R.A. (2016) Research and Development in Art, Design and Creativity. Published by Springer.
Ellis, K and Bolton, P. (2016) ‘A Mansion for Miners’, Plas Mwynwyr, Rhosllannerchrugog. ISBN 978-1-910607-10-7.
Miles, M. (2016) Eagle and the Lady-Killer - eighteenth century crime novel, published by Rowanvale Books.
Kenyon-Owen, S, C. (2015) “Broken, rusty, charismatic”– the Transmedial destiny of found objects in the artwork of Penny Hallas'. (Book Chapter) in: Moenander, SJ. and Kavner-Miller, N. (eds.)
Kenyon-Owen, S, C. (2015) Not ever absent: Storytelling in Arts, Culture and Identity Formation. Inter-Disciplinary Press, Oxford, ISBN 978-1-84888-337-6, SKU: 9781848883376 (e-book publication).
Miles, M. (2015) Dark Satanic Mill - historical thriller, published by Rowanvale Books.
Thompson, E., & de Caires, D., Danby, C., Schultz, D, White, M., Bevan R., NEUSCHLOSS, Stent, D., (2015) Artists’ Book: Artists’ Book: Collaborations (Conference) A Frame of Mind with Hand in Glove; Artists’ Book collaborations in education; a working collection, 20-Mar-15 Richmond, The American International University in London.
Cyhoeddiadau Radio
Harrison, S. (2015) The Toffee Tip – Radio Drama. (Producer) BBC Radio 4, 3rd September.
Alonso, C. and Mellor J. (2016) Prize winners’ exhibition, The Cutlers Hall, London.
Clarke, W. (2016) Ceramic Wales, Wrexham.
Hitchin,S. (2016) Wirral Open Williamson Art Gallery; The Ellesmere National Art Exhibition; Ceramic Wales, Wrexham.
Keegan S. (2016) Ceramic Wales, Wrexham.
Jones, P. (2016) Visions in the Nunnery, Nunnery Gallery, London (Oct-Dec).
Jones, P. (2016) Summer of Love, Undegun Art Space, Wrexham (Sept).
Jones, P. (2016) Wheel of Life, Ty Brethyn, Llangollen (Sept).
Jones, P. (2016) Winnipeg Underground Film Festival (WUFF), Canada (June).
Jones, P. (2016) Oriel Wrexham Offsite projects, Holt, Wrexham (Feb).
Jones, P. (2016) Moving Minds, Oriel Sycharth, Wrexham (Feb-Apr).
Liggett, S. (2016) The New English Art Club Open, Mall Galleries London.
McClenaghen, J (2016) Moving Minds, Oriel Sycharth, Wrexham (Feb-Apr).
Thompson, E. & Innes, C., Irvin, A., (2016) Contemporary Abstract Prints (The Golder-Thompson Gift) [Exhibition] 02-Jul-16 – 02-Oct-16, Pallant House Gallery.
Thompson, E. (2016) Artist of the Day [Exhibition] 23-Jun-16 Flowers Gallery, London.
Jones, P. (2015) Carbon meets Silicon, In: Proceedings of Internet Technologies and Applications (ITA 2015) Wrexham Glyndwr University.
Liggett, S. (2015) Carbon meets Silicon, In: Proceedings of Internet Technologies and Applications (ITA 2015) Wrexham Glyndwr University.
Thompson, E. & Wilding, E., Ford, L., Carter, J., Begum, R., Hambling, M., Kirby, J., (2015) Small is Beautiful [Exhibition] 09-Dec-15-09-Jan-16, Flowers Gallery East, London.
Thompson, E., &, Batchelor, D., Boxall, H., Dickens, P., Booker, C., Donaque, M., Brook, P., Harris, J., Hilliard, J., (2015) In Light of the Monochrome (Exhibition) 06-Mar-15-25-Mar-15 Dye House Gallery, Bradford College.
Berry, D., Gaffney, D., Lowes, S. The Three Rooms in Valerie’s Head - performance graphic novel at the Brewery Arts Centre, Lakes International Comic Art Festival, October 2015.
Berry, D. (2015) Bear Canyon - as part of the Lakes International Comic Art Festival 24 hour comic event.
Hitchin, S. (2015) Sculpture for Cunningham Grange St Helens. ‘Ex Terra Lucem’ commissioned by Taylor Wimpey North West.
Digwyddiadau a dathliadau
Thompson E & Noga L., Bick A., (2016) Imperfect Reverse (Symposium) 03-Nov-16 Camberwell Space Projects, London. Panel member.
Woodford-Smith, R. (2016) From Tokyo: Site/Memory Mapping Project, Sound/video installation, collaboration with Mikyoung Jun Pearce, Walking Women Festival, Somerset House in association with Live Arts Development Agency.
Clarke, W. (2016) Curator for Ceramic Wales.
Berry, D (2015) Hourly Comics. See http://www.thingsbydan.co.uk/2016/02/hourly-comic-day-2016/
Berry, D. (2015) An "almost weekly" hour long in-depth artist interview for the podcast Make It Then Tell Everybody - (makeitthentelleverybody.com).
Dr Susan Liggett, Professor Rae Earnshaw (2015), Workshop Chair, “Art, Design, Science, Technology and Applications – Interface Issues, Challenges and Opportunities” In: Proceedings of Internet Technologies and Applications (ITA2015), Wrexham Glyndwr University.
Berry, D. (2016) collaboration with the Lakes International comic art festival - we had ACE funding for a performance themed adaptation of a literary work through the medium of comics.
Cooke, A. and Williams Y. (2016) Refugees; Erasmus + project consortium consisting of 6 institutions from 4 countries: Poland, Finland, Greece, and the United Kingdom. The partnership includes institutions specialising in studies on migration, human centred design attitude, Innovative teaching methods, and new technologies. Workshops and exhibition in Warsaw Pjatk and Helsinki Aalto.
Jones, P. (2016) Techscaping: Humans Nature and Technology in the Dee Estuary; a collaborative project between University of Manchester, UCL and Wrexham Glyndwr University.
Jones, P. (2016) Guardians of The Border; a collaboration between Oriel Wrexham Offsite projects and Wrexham Glyndwr University.
Kenyon-Owen S. C., The Tales We Tell, (Art Installation & exhibition, organiser and curator), Wrexham. 2015
S. Liggett (2015/15) In-between-ness Windows Within, joint research proposal between Bangor University, Liverpool University and Wrexham Glyndwr University.
McClenaghen, J. (2015) Teaching Painting Network; committee member for this cross UK Universities group.
Thompson, E., & Galeta, R., Batchelor, D., Dickens, P., Booker, C., Donaque, M., Brook, P., (2015). You see what you see or you see who you are? - Reflecting on painters making mirrors, walls and voids with pigments and light. In: In Light of the Monochrome (Exhibition and Symposium) 05-May-15 Dye House Gallery, Bradford College.
LLywarch, T. (2016) Research and development of online video tutorials. Highly commended for Best Production Values by the CADARN Educational Media Awards, at Cardiff Millennium Centre. Ongoing collaboration with Childhood Studies, Wrexham Glyndwr University.
Alonso, C; Mellor, J (2016) Joint second prize for spoon design UCL's Institute of Making in association with The Worshipful Company of Cutlers. http://www.instituteofmaking.org.uk/blog/2016/09/competition-results-of-the-cutlery-design-challenge.
Cysylltu â ni
Os oes gennych ddiddordeb mewn astudio ar gyfer gradd ymchwil neu gydweithio ag ymchwilydd, cysylltwch â: Dr Susuan Ligget, Pennaeth Canolfan Ymchwil Prifysgol Celfyddydau Creadigol a Darllenydd mewn Celf a Dylunio.
E-bost: s.liggett@glyndwr.ac.uk