Gwyddorau Cymdeithasol a Gwaith Cymdeithasol
Mae gan y tîm bach o fewn Gwaith Cymdeithasol lu o brofiad yn gweithio gydag arbenigwyr profiadol a phoblogaethau bregus. Mae eu hymchwil yn alinio â’r galluoedd a ddatblygwyd a’r pynciau a addysgir ar y cwrs BSc Gwaith Cymdeithasol, gan gynnwys polisi cymdeithasol, proffesiynoldeb cyfrifol ac atebol, a bod yn ymarferydd creadigol.
Ymgymerwyd â’r ymchwil o fewn gwaith cymdeithasol gydag ethos cynhwysiant, sy’n cyd-fynd â'r Ganolfan Ymchwil Cynhwysiant Cymdeithasol: Cyfiawnder newydd, i’w lansio fis Medi 2022. Cymerwch gip ar dudalennau gwe Cyfiawnder i weld yr ymchwil diweddaraf ar isafbrisiau alcohol a gwaith polisi cymdeithasol perthnasol arall.
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Content Accordions
- Cyhoeddiadau
Jones, D. (2024). ‘It sounds really good in theory’: Exploring parents’ and carers’ experiences of accessing care and support services for their child with a learning disability. Improvement Cymru
Livingston, W. (2024). Entering into, departing from and working within the psychiatric domain. Social Work and Social Sciences Review, 25(1), 37-46.
Perkins A, Craig F, Dumbrell J, Gardiner K, Horne A, Livingston W, Richardson J, Schofield J, Steele S. (2024). Exploring demand for, and perceptions of, Residential Rehabilitation amongst people who experience problems with drugs across Scotland. Edinburgh: Public Health Scotland
Neale, J., Cairns, B., Gardiner, K., Livingston, W., McCarthy, T., & Perkins, A. (2024). Waiting for inpatient detoxification: A qualitative analysis of patient experiences. International Journal of Drug Policy, 123, 104291.
Holloway, K., Buhociu, M., Murray, S., Livingston, W., & Perkins, A. (2024). Assessing the early influence of COVID-19 in an analysis of the immediate implementation of Minimum Pricing for Alcohol on drinkers in Wales. Nordic Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 41(1), 57-74.
Hughes, R., Hughes, C., Dubberley, S., Prescott, J., White, C., Crawford, A., & Formby, L. (2023). Evaluation of the Trauma and Adverse Experiences (TrACE)-informed university pilot
Livingston, W., Holmes, J., Hughes, J., Buykx, P., Perkins, A., Wright, A., ... & Maclean, A. (2023). Expected and actual responses to minimum unit pricing (MUP) for alcohol of people drinking at harmful levels in Scotland. Drugs: Education, Prevention and Policy, 1-10.
Hughes, J., Livingston, W., Buykx, P., Johnston, A., Little, S., McCarthy, T., ... & Holmes, J. (2023). Views on minimum unit pricing for alcohol before its introduction among people with alcohol dependence in Scotland: A qualitative interview study. Drug and alcohol review, 42(6), 1338-1348.
Livingston, W., Redcliffe, J., & Aziz, A. Q. (Eds.). (2023). Social Work in Wales. Policy Press.
Jones, D. (2023) A Literature Review and Evaluation of National Care Models and Frameworks Providing Care for Children and Young People with a Learning Disability in Wales
Brierley-Sollis, T. (2023). Trauma Informed Practice in the Welsh Youth Justice Service In Social Work in Wales (pp. 105-116). Policy Press.
Douglas, H., & Barlow, H. (2023). A joint children and adult approach to safeguarding. In Social Work in Wales (pp. 105-116). Policy Press.
Lefroy, L. (2023). Applying the principles of coproduction. In Social Work in Wales (pp. 79-92). Policy Press.
Buhociu, Marian, Holloway, Katy, May, Tom, Livingston, Wulf and Perkins, Andy (2023) Assessing the Impact of Minimum Pricing for Alcohol on the Wider Population of Drinkers – Interim Findings.
Livingston, Wulf, Madoc-Jones, Iolo, Holloway, Katy, Perkins, Andy, Buhociu, Marian and Murray, R (2023) 24-month Review of the Introduction of Minimum Pricing for Alcohol in Wales.
Livingston, W., Redcliffe, J. and Quinn, Aziz, A. (2023) Social Work in Wales. Policy Press, Bristol. https://policy.bristoluniversitypress.co.uk/social-work-in-wales
Nicholls, James, Livingston, Wulf, Perkins, Andy, Cairns, Beth, Foster, Rebecca, Trayner, Kirsten M.A, Sumnall, Harry R., Price, Tracey, Cairney, Paul, Dumbrell, Josh and Parkes, Tessa (2022) Drug consumption rooms and public health policy: perspectives of Scottish strategic decision-makers. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19 (11). p. 6575. ISSN 1660-4601
Perkins, A.; Livingston, W.; Cairns, B.; Dumbrell1, J.; Gardiner, K.; Little, S and Madoc-Jones, I. (2022). Understanding Substance Use and the Wider Support Needs of Scotland’s Prison Population. Edinburgh, Scottish Government.
Parkes, Tessa, Price, Tracey, Foster, Rebecca, Trayner, Kirsten M.A, Sumnall, Harry R., Livingston, Wulf, Perkins, Andy, Cairns, Beth, Dumbrell, Josh and Nicholls, James (2022) “Why would we not want to keep everybody safe?” The views of family members of people who use drugs on the implementation of drug consumption rooms in Scotland. Harm Reduction Journal. ISSN 1477-7517
Homes, J.; Buykx, P.; Perkins, A.; Hughes, J.; Livingston, W; Boyd, J.; Johnston, A.; McCarthy, T.; McLean, A.; Wright, A.; Little, S.; Gardiner, K.; Peddle, L.; Yannoulis, Y.; Stevely, A.; Mackay, D.; Hernández Alava, M.; Brennan, A.; Meier, P.; Sasso1, A. and Angus, C. (2022) Evaluating the impact of Minimum Unit Pricing in Scotland on people who are drinking at harmful levels. Edinburgh: Public Health Scotland